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所謂ベーシエツト症状群及びその類似疾患については,1895年Neumannが重篤なアフタ様口内潰瘍,全身の多形滲出性紅斑,又は結節性紅斑様発疹,陰部潰瘍を主徴とする症状群をNeuman-n's Aphthosisとして発表して以来多数の報告があり,その本態は未だ不明である。
As a cause of Behcet's syndrome, allergic theory based on the focal infection of purulent bacillus or virus became recently most convincing. Four cases in our study also showed some allergie reactions such as nodular periarteritis or severe uveitis.
In complete stellate retinal fold in the macular region, solitary tuberculosis-like finding, and central chorio-retinitis-like finding were noticed, these findings agreed with Ueoka's findings that initial focus exists in the posterior pole choroid.
Moreover blood sedimentation rate varied in parallel with the symptoms and the course, so we had better call it a relapsed uveal allergy.

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