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Behçet氏病等を含むmuco-cutaneo-oculo-uveal syndromeに見られる再発性前房蓄膿性葡萄膜炎の症例竝に成因に就いては,今日まで可成り多数の報告がある。然し乍ら其の病理組織学的検索に関しては小口,石黒,上岡,宇山,吉田,Martin, Sezer等の文献があるに過ぎない。私達は本症の1例に於いて続発性緑内障を併発した1眼を摘出し,其に就いて病理組織学的に,特に電子顕微鏡的に観察する機会を得,従来の文献に見られない甚だ興味ある所見を認めたので,茲に報告する次第である。
The present paper is the first report of electron microscopic observation of an eyeball removed from a case of recurrent hypopyon uveitis. Histopathologically, nonspecific in-flammation with extension of round cells was found in the retina, uvea and optic nerve.
The pigment epithelium, cluiroid and optic nerve have been studied in thin sections by electron microscope utilizing buffered osmium tetroxyd fixation.
In the pigment epithelium there is little endoplasmic reticulum, a few mitochondria and many vacuoles developed from them.

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