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本症に関してはGubler (1860),Mobius (1884)以来本邦にては三宅,清水,鈴木,田上,南,祖谷以来多数の報告例があるが,予は最近女性性週期と関連して発症した比較的典型的な本疾患を経験したので追加報告する。女性性週期と関係した本症例はMorgano (1920)の報告がある。
A 24 years old feminine case who had habitual paroxysmal headache since child stage, de-veloped a fixed left migraine at the menstruation, becoming severerer at the dysmenorrhea, and complicated the same side of oculomotor paralysis was reported. She was administered femi-nine hormone, by which the sexual cycle was normalized, and was given high units of Vitamin B1 into the carotid artery. The symptoms such as migraine and paralysis subsided conside-rably.
This case will be the similar one with migraine ophthalmoplegique which accompanies with feminine sexual cycle as stated by Morgans and Petella.

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