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外傷に起因する各種緑内障も,現在では成書に系統的に分類されているが1),眼球の鈍的外傷後(打撲後),あたかも原発性広隅角緑内障のごとくの経過をとる緑内障と,隅角部変形(angle reces—sion)との関連が証明され2),原発性広隅角緑内障との鑑別がされをようになつたのは,比較的最近のことである。
A clinical survey was conducted over the inci-dence of chamber angle recession in student bo-xers and basket ball players.
1. In 22 boxers (44 eyes), who can reasonab-ly be supposed to have a greater incidence of blunt ocular trauma, shallow recession was de-tected in 9 eyes and deep recession in one eye.
2. In 33 basket ball players (66 eyes), deep recession was detected in 2 eyes.
3. In 22 subjects (39 eyes) who were admitt-ed for senile cataract, shallow recession was de-tected in 4 subjects (7 eyes) and deep recession in 2 subjects (3 eyes).

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