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腎不全に見られた角膜カルシウム沈着の症例に関して,愚者の協力を得て,従来あまり報告をみなかつた組織学的検索を行ない,Red eyeおよびBand Keratopathyについて,若干考察する機会を得たので,ここに報告する。
A 29-year-old housewife suffering from chro-nic renal failure manifested red eye accompa-nied by photophobia and feeling of grittiness. The ocular complaints wers ascribed to incipient band keratopathy. Biopsy studies were subse-quently conducted and resulted in following find-ings:
1. The red eye was induced by corneal and conjunctival calcification and by secondary con-junctival edema.
2. The calcified masses were located within the Bowman's membrane and in the corneal st-roma just below the Bowman's mambrane.
3. The deposited calcium in the corneo-con-junctival tissue was apparently derived from theconjunctival vessels.

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