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著者のひとり浦山は,さきに(1962年)「Pheo—chromocytomaの診断と眼底所見の意義」と題して,自験5例の観察をもとに,Pheochro—mocytoma (以下Pheoc.)には比較的個有の眼底所見を示すものが多いことを指摘するとともに,眼における高血圧の問題解明のために,ひとつの布石となり得るかもしれぬとして私見を述べた。
Twelve cases of pheochromocytoma were studied on the ocular manifestation. The severe type of this disease was in Keith-Wagener IV group which was mostly observed in the conti-nued type in the youth. The vascular change in the major part was hypertonic retinopathy in acute type, followed by spasm of the vessels, which had characterization of severe narrowing of the retinal arteriole and severe papilloedema.
Even the operation of pheochromocytoma, the cure of this disease has not always dramatic effect.
In general speaking, ocular manifestations are recovered later in ocular findings than in gene-ral ones.

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