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1939年,Marchesani1)が発生学的にDystro—phia mesodermalis hyperplasticaという想定のもとにBrachydactylie und Kügel-Linse alsSystem-erkrankungとして4例の,短躯,短指趾,先天性球状水晶体および緑内障からなる症候群を発表して以来,この疾患はSpherophaciabrachymorphia syndromeまたはMarchesani症候群(以下Mc'sと略す)と呼ばれ,欧米においては数十例の報告がなされている。しかし,本邦にては極めて少なく,文献的に1944年に報告された富田2)の1例を筆頭とし,以来,百々3)(1957年)の3例,二宮4)(1957年)の1例,原山5)(1964年)の1例,および小森谷ら6)(1965年)の1例などがみられている。
Two cases of Marchesani's syndrome with se-condary pupil block glaucoma were reported. In these two cases, brachyomorphia, brachyda-ktylia and spherophakia were seen, the ocular tension was elevated when the pupils were con-tracted, and was lowered when the pupils were dilated.
The first case was 27 years old male, vision o.d. 0.3 (1.0×-5.5D), o.s. 0 and severe cupping of optic disk was also found, narrow angle and shallow anterior chamber were revealed by goni-oscopy.
His family history showed dens consanguin-neous marriage, one of his five siblings was diagnosed as atypical Marchesani's syndrome.

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