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どんな子どもでも,成長し発達する無限の可能性をもつている。これは弱視児とて同じである。しかし,普通児とはちがつて,視力が低い,視野がせまい,あるいは色覚が弱い,といつた障害があるために,生活や学習場面における視知覚的行動(visual-perceptional behavi—or)の面でいろいろと支障がでてきがちである。
In this paper, the authors have reviewed the meaning, principle and history of education for the partially seeing children, and have present-ed an argument stressing the necessity for settling the solution for the following problems currently encounted in this field of special edu-cation in Japan.
1. Up to the present time, our country has adopted a system of guidance specifically devised for the partially seeing children in re-sidential schools for the blind.

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