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重症筋無力症の眼症状についてはMattis1)(1941)やWalsh (1945)の報告がある。筋無力症は一つの症候群であり,特に重症筋無力症(Myasthenia gravis)も従来の一つの疾患とみなされてきていたが,これにしても単一の原因によるものか否かはまだ明らかではない(Rowland2)3),1961)。
Two cases of myasthenia gravis with ocular involvement have been studied by various me-thods of examination which included :
1. histological examination of biopsied ex-traocular muscles, 2. EMG, 3. GOT and creati-nine determination in urine, 4. distribution of IgG, IgA and IgM, 5. determination of serum protein fractions, 6. RAT, TAT, Coomb's test, cold agglutinin titre, LE test, ANF, antimuscle antibodies and ESR, 7. thymus gland abnorma-lity, 8. possible coincidence with other autoso- mai immunological diseases and 9. the possiblepresence of myasthenia gravis in their offsprings who are still in newborn stage.

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