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今日までAdie症候群にmecholyl点眼することによつて,調節障害が改善されたという片野,紫3)らの報告はあるが,抗CE剤を使つた報告はない。また毛様筋麻痺によりAC/A ratioが高くなるという報告はあるが4〜6)Adie症候群についてのAC/A ratioは,Morgan7)の1例報告をみるのみである。著者は内眼筋麻痺,Adie症候群について抗CE剤点眼前後のAC/A ratioを測定して若干の知見を得たので報告する。
Accommodative changes and ratio of accom-modative convergence to accomrnodation (AC/A) were measured on 5 cases with Adie'ssyndrome and 2 cases with internal ophthalmo-plegia. The patients were given topical anti-cholinesterase preparations (phospholine iodide,demecarium bromide and arminum) and eval-uations were made before and after thetreatment through the above methods. Follow-ing results were obtained:
1. The AC/A ratio in these patients duringthe untreated state could be grouped in two heterogenous groups.

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