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CyclandelateはFuncke (1952)によりはじめて紹介された新しい血管拡張剤である。従来の各種血管拡張剤に比し,毒性が極めて弱く,忍容性にすぐれ,且つ心搏数,血圧に影響を及ぼすことなく血管平滑筋に直接働いて血管を拡張させる等の特徴をもつている。
Cyclandelate (TBC-19) was used in healthy adults and 23 cases with Various ocular disea-ses. Systemic blood pressure, retinal blood pressure and caliber of retinal vessels were measured.
The results of oral administration of Cycl-andelate in 8 healthy persons were summeri-zed as fallows :
1) Systemic blood pressure decreased sli-ghtly both in systolic and diastolic value.
2) Retinal arterial pressure decreased. The response in the retina was more remarkable than in systemic blood pressure.
3) Retinal arteries dilated. Dilatation in veins were undefinite.
4) Retinal blood flow increased in 7 out of 8 cases.

Copyright © 1966, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.