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脈絡膜転移症の報告は屡々されているが,多くみられるものではない。私共の集めた本邦の報告例は,20例に止る。その原発巣は乳腺(7),肺(4),Chorionepithelioma (2),縦隔洞,甲状腺,胸腺,胃(各1),不明(3)であつた。肺癌の転移は昭和34年後に急激に増した。私共は最近,肺気管支よりの転移と思われる1例の脈絡脈転移癌を観察する機会を得たので,それを報告したい。
A case of chorioidal metastases from the lung cancer of a fouty-two year old femalewas reported.
The patient, having complained of coughing and blurred vision for more than two months, showing five round foci of retinal detachme-nts in the right fundus oculi and a round chorioidal atrophy in the area adjacent to the disc.
An X-ray examination disclosed a round shadow in the right lower lung field, and obliteration in the middle lobe brounchus. Ten weeks after the first examination total detachment had occured in the right fundus and small mass of tumor was penetraing into vascular portion of the iris.

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