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要約 目的:ポリープ状脈絡膜血管症に対するアフリベルセプト硝子体内投与の効果の報告。対象と方法:ポリープ状脈絡膜血管症15例15眼を対象とした。男性12例,女性3例で,年齢は平均73歳であった。2例が初回治療,13例がほかの方法による加療を受けていた。アフリベルセプト2.0mgを硝子体内に投与し,4週の間隔で2または3回連続投与し,必要に応じて追加投与した。治療開始から6か月後の経過を判定した。視力はlogMARとして評価した。結果:視力の平均は,投与前0.34±0.37,6か月後0.36±0.49で,有意差はなかった.光干渉断層計による網膜中心厚には,治療前後で有意差はなかった。網膜色素上皮剝離厚の平均値は,治療前312±199μm,6か月152±135μmで,有意に減少した(p=0.002)。網膜下液は治療前7眼にあり,6か月後に2眼になった。結論:ポリープ状脈絡膜血管症に対するアフリベルセプト硝子体内投与で,6か月後の視力と網膜中心厚には変化がなく,網膜色素上皮剝離厚は減少し,7眼中5眼で網膜下液が消失した。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the outcome of intravitreal injection of aflibercept for polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy(PCV). Cases and Method:This study was on 15 eyes of 15 cases of PCV. The series comprised 12 males and 3 females. Thirteen eyes had received other therapeutic modalities. The 15 eyes received intravitreal injection of 2.0mg aflibercept repeated 2 or 3 times at the interval of 4 weeks, followed by additional sessions when needed. The outcome was evaluated 6 months after start of treatment. Visual acuity was evaluated as logMAR. Results:Visual acuity averaged 0.34±0.37 before treatment and 0.36±0.49 6 months later. The difference was not significant. There was no difference in central retinal thickness before and 6 months of treatment. Thickness of retinal pigment epithelium detachment averaged 312±199μm before treatment and 152±136μm 6 months later. The difference was significant(p=0.002). Subretinal fluid was present in 7 eyes before treatment and in 2 eyes 6 months later. Conclusion:Intraviteal aflibercept for PCV showed decreased thickness of retinal pigment epithelium detachment after 6 months. There was no change in visual acuity or central retinal thickness. Subretinal fluid was absorbed completely in 5 out of 7 eyes after 6 months of treatment.

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