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要約 目的:強度角膜乱視白内障眼に対する乱視矯正眼内レンズ(TIOL,Alcon社製)の術後成績の報告。対象と方法:強度角膜乱視白内障眼にTIOL(SN6AT6:12眼,SN6AT7:8眼,SN6AT8:3眼,SN6AT9:1眼)を挿入し,術後1か月以上経過観察できた22例24眼(平均年齢68.1歳)である。術前と術後1か月の視力(裸眼・矯正),角膜乱視,自覚屈折,軸回旋誤差を後方視的に検討した。結果:視力(矯正・裸眼)と自覚乱視は術後1か月で有意(p<0.001)に改善した。角膜乱視に有意差はなかった。TIOLの軸回旋誤差は2.8°であった。結論:TIOLは強度乱視白内障眼の乱視矯正に有効である。
Abstract. Purpose:To evaluate the postoperative outcome of toric intraocular lens(TIOL)implantation for cataract patients with high corneal astigmatism. Methods:This retrospective study included 24 eyes of 22 patients with high corneal astigmatism exceeded-1.50 D who underwent cataract surgery and implantation of TIOL(SN6AT6:12 eyes, SN6AT7:8 eyes, SN6AT8:3 eyes, SN6AT9:1 eye). The mean age of all cases was 68.1 years. Visual acuity, corneal astigmatism, subjective refraction, and rotation error were recorded preoperatively and 1 month postoperatively. Results:The uncorrected and correted distance visual acuities and subjective refraction were significantly(p<0.001)improved after TIOL implantation. There was no significant difference in corneal astigmatism between preoperatively and postoperatively. The mean rotation error was 2.8°. Conclusion:TIOL was effective for cataract patients with high corneal astigmatism.
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