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要約 目的:外斜視に対する手術後に生じた周期性内斜視の1症例の報告。症例:4歳11か月の女児に2年前から眼位異常があった。間欠性外斜視として紹介受診した。視力は左右眼とも1.5で,プリズムカバーテストで近見-35Δ,遠見-30Δの間欠性外斜視があった。左眼の内直筋5mmの短縮と外直筋5mmの後転を行った。術後1か月に遠見+4Δの内斜視と左眼外転不全が生じ,術後6か月で遠見+14Δの内斜視となり,左眼の外転不全があった。正位と内斜視の眼位が交互に出現することから,周期性内斜視と診断した。内斜視が次第に優位となり,初回の手術から8か月後に左眼の外直筋を本来の付着部に戻した。以後は良好な眼位になり,周期性は消失した。結論:間欠性外斜視に対して手術を行い,過矯正になり,外転不全が残存した症例に周期性内斜視としての再手術を行い,好結果を得た。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a case of cyclic esotropia after surgery for intermittent exotropia. Case:A 5-year-old girl showed abnormal eye position since 2 years and was referred to us as intrermittent exotropia. Visual acuity was 1.5 in either eye without correction. Prism cover test showed intermittent exotropia with -35Δ for near and -30Δ for distance. She received 5mm recession of medial rectus and 5 mm resection of lateral rectus in the left eye. One month after surgery, the left eye showed restricted abduction with +4Δ esotropia. Six months after surgery, the left eye showed restricted abduction with +14Δ esotropia. She was diagnosed with cyclic esotropia. She received a second surgery by suturing the lateral rectus muscle of the left eye to the original site of insertion. The eye position became normal with disappearance of cyclic pattern. Conclusion:Surgery for intermittent exotropia resulted in overcorrection with restricted abduction. Another surgery for intermittent esotropia resulted in normal ocular motility.

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