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要約 背景:角膜の急性水腫は比較的若年の円錐角膜に発症し,中高齢者では稀である。目的:中年のDown症候群患者に発症した円錐角膜急性水腫の報告。症例:47歳女性が右眼に突発した視力低下で受診した。3年前に両眼に白内障手術を受けた。Down症候群があり,眼を擦る癖があった。所見:矯正視力は右測定不能,左0.08で,右眼の角膜に混濁と浮腫があった。過去の所見の解析で,円錐角膜が徐々に進行していた。右眼の視力低下は,円錐角膜に急性水腫が生じたためと推定された。結論:円錐角膜があり,眼を擦る癖があるDown症候群患者では,中高齢者でも急性水腫が発症する可能性がある。
Abstract. Background:Acute corneal hydrops mainly develops in eyes with keratoconus at an early age. Purpose:To report a case of acute corneal hydrops in a middle-aged case of Down syndrome. Case:A 47-year-old woman presented with sudden impairment of vision in her right eye. She had received cataract surgery in both eyes 3 years before. She had Down syndrome and had the habit to rub the eyes. Findings:Corrected visual acuity was unmeasurable in the right eye and 0.08 left. The right cornea showed edema and opacity. Review of clinical records showed gradually progressive keratoconus. Impaired vision in the right eye seemed to be due to acute corneal hydrops. Conclusion:This case illustrates that acute hydrops is a possibility in patients of Down syndrome with habitual eye-rubbing.

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