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要約 目的:植物性の眼窩異物の症例の報告。症例:72歳男性が電動草刈機で草を刈っているときに右眼にゴミが入り,異物感,流涙,眼脂があり,その翌日に受診した。所見:矯正視力は右0.7,左0.1で,右眼の結膜に充血があった。前房には異常がなかった。頭部のCTで眼球に接する異物があった。結膜切開で異物は確認できず,大量の眼脂が出現した。再度のCTで異物が眼球の耳側上方の赤道部にあった。全身麻酔下で結膜を切開し,植物のトゲが赤道部後方に複数個あり,これを除去し,治癒が得られた。結論:イガのような植物性異物は,CTによる部位の確認が困難であり,眼部に金属の指標を置くなどの対応が望まれる。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a case of deep-seated orbital foreign body. Case:A 72-year-old male felt a foreign body sensation while mowing the weed with an electric mower. He visited us the following day for pain, lacrimation and discharge. Findings:Corrected visual acuity was 0.7 right and 0.1 left. The right eye showed hyperemia. The anterior chamber appeared normal. Computed tomography(CT)showed a foreign body adjacent to the eyeglobe. No foreign body was located after opening the conjunctiva. Another session of CT showed a foreign body superior-temporal to the eyeglobe along the equator. Opening the conjunctiva under general anesthesia led to the detection of numerous foreign bodies simulating burs of a plant. Removal of burs was followed by clinical cure. Conclusion:Burs of a plant may be difficult to identify by simple CT imaging. Use of metal piece may be useful as a guide in localization.

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