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要約 目的:増殖糖尿病網膜症に対して行った硝子体手術の成績を,前半と後半の各3年間について評価した報告。対象と方法:2010年までの6年間に硝子体手術が行われた増殖糖尿病網膜症124例141眼を対象とした。2006年までの3年間には55例64眼,以後の3年間には69例77眼に手術が行われた。全6年間を通じ,3ポートによる硝子体手術が行われた。前期3年間には20ゲージ(G)を用い,後期3年間には20Gを56眼,小切開による23または25Gを21眼に用いた。術後6か月後の視力を評価した。結果:20Gを用いた症例では,前期群と後期群とに術前視力の差はなく,小切開手術群では術前と術後視力がともに20G群よりも有意に良好であった(それぞれp=0.03,p=0.014)。結論:増殖糖尿病網膜症に対する硝子体手術では,術前視力が良好な症例群で良好な術後視力が得られた。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the outcome of vitreous surgery for proliferative diabetic retinopathy(PDR)over a 6-year period comparing cases during the first and second 3 years. Cases and Method:This prospective study was made on 141 eyes of 124 cases who received vitreous surgery for PDR over 6 years through 2010. A total of 64 eyes were operated during the first 3 years and 77 eyes during the second 3 years. Three-port vitrectomy was used throughout. During the first 3 years, a 20-gauge(G)probe was used. During the second 3 years, 56 eyes were operated with 20 G and 21 eyes with 23 G or 25 G probe using microincision method. Results:No significant differences were present in eyes who received 20 G surgery regarding visual acuity before and after surgery. Eyes that received 23 G or 25 G surgery had significantly better visual acuity before and after surgery compared with those that received 20 G surgery(p=0.03, p=0.014 respectively). Conclusion:These cases illustrate that better visual acuity may result after vitreous surgery when operated while visual acuity is not too impaired.

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