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要約 目的:甲状腺眼症による圧迫性視神経症に対し,ステロイドパルス療法と放射線療法を行った3症例の報告。対象:3症例とも女性で,年齢は43歳,70歳,76歳である。いずれも甲状腺機能亢進症の治療中に視機能障害が両眼に生じた。全例にメチルプレドニゾロン1,000mgを3日間投与する2コース後に放射線照射を行った。1例は本治療で治癒し,1例は本治療後に再発し,パルス療法の再施行で軽快した。1例は本治療後の再発に対するパルス療法が奏効せずに悪化し,眼窩減圧術が行われた。結論:甲状腺眼症による圧迫性視神経症に対し,ステロイドパルス療法と放射線療法が奏効することがある。再発悪化例には眼窩減圧術が有効であった。
Abstract. Purpose:To report 3 cases of Graves ophthalmopathy who were treated for compressive optic neuropathy. Cases:All were females aged 43, 70 and 76 years respectively. They developed bilateral compressive optic neuropathy during the course of treatment. Each case received two courses of 1,000 mg methylprednisolone for 3 days followed by radiation. One case improved after this treatment. Another case recurred but recovered after another course of pulsed steroid therapy. The third case needed orbital decompression surgery after failure of additional pulsed steroid. Conclusion:These cases illustrate that pulsed corticosteroid therapy followed by radiation may be effective for Graves ophthalmopathy with compressive optic neuropathy. Orbital decompression may be needed after failure of this therapeutic modality.

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