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要約 目的:網膜静脈閉塞症が当初疑われたBehçet病の2例を報告する。症例1:32歳男性。近医で右眼の網膜静脈分枝閉塞症(BRVO)の診断で加療されたが,5か月後に左眼のBRVOが発症し当科紹介。右眼は乳頭耳下側に網膜前出血があった。左眼は耳下側静脈領域に軟性白斑と出血が多発しBRVO様所見を呈していた。口内炎と外陰部潰瘍,下肢の紅斑があり,完全型Behçet病と診断した。症例2:6歳男児。左眼の充血と急激な視力低下にて紹介。左眼では視神経を中心に一面に広がる網膜内出血があり,網膜中心静脈閉塞症(CRVO)様所見を呈していた。口内炎と結節性紅斑があり,不全型Behçet病と診断した。結論:非定型的なBRVO,CRVOではBehçet病の閉塞性血管炎の可能性を念頭に置くべきである。
Abstract. Purpose:To report 2 cases of Behçet's disease with fundus lesion simulating retinal vein occlusion. Cases and Findings:Both were males aged 32 and 6 years respectively. In the first case, branch retinal vein occlusion(BRVO)was initially present in the right eye and, 5 months later, in the left. Soft exudates were also present in the left fundus. He had oral aphtha, genital ulcer and nodular erythema in the lower extremities, leading to the diagnosis of complete form of Behçet's disease. The second case showed sudden visual loss with conjunctival hyperemia in the left eye. The left fundus showed diffuse retinal hemorrhage with papilledema mimicking central retinal vein occlusion(CRVO). He had oral aphtha, nodular erythema and no genital ulcer, leading to the diagnosis of incomplete form of Behçet's disease. Conclusion:These cases illustrate that fundus lesions simulating BRVO or CRVO may be manifestations of Behçet's disease.

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