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要約 背景:カリフォルニア症候群とは,交通事故後に視機能の障害を訴えるが,裏に経済的な補償を求める非器質的疾患である。目的:カリフォルニア症候群7例の報告。症例:過去12年間に経験した7例12眼を対象とした。男性3例,女性4例で,年齢は30~55歳(平均39歳)である。視覚障害を訴えるが,眼科的に非器質的であること,精神科での診断,諸検査への協力性などを総合的に判断し,カリフォルニア症候群と診断した。初診から1~54か月の経過を追った。結果:視機能障害が全例にあり,7例中5例は両眼性であり,6例10眼では重篤であった。全例で受傷から1週以後に発症し,対光反射に異常がなく,視力,視野,眼位,眼球運動障害などが進行または変動した。6例は検査に協力的で,全例で補償は未解決であった。結論:カリフォルニア症候群が疑われる症例では,対光反射,視機能障害の発症時期と変動,検査への協力性などが診断の手がかりになる。
Abstract. Purpose:To report 7 cases of ocular compensation neurosis, or so-called“the California syndrome”. Cases:This retrospective study was made on 7 cases of the California syndrome seen during the past 12 years. The series comprised 3 males and 4 females. The age ranged from 30 to 55 years, average 39 years. Six cases complained of impaired visual function following traffic accident. Cases were followed up for one to 54 months. Findings:Five cases were bilaterally and two were unilaterally affected. Visual impairment was severe in 10 eyes of 6 cases. Visual impairment was noted one week or later after accident. All the cases showed normal light reflex. Progression or fluctuations were present regarding visual acuity, visual field, eye position, or ocular motility. Six cases were cooperative to clinical examinations. Compensation for traffic accident or labour one was still undecided in all the cases. Conclusion:Diagnosis of the California syndrome may be made in the presence of normal light reflex, time of onset of subjective complaints after trauma, fluctuation of symptoms, and cooperativity to clinical examinations.

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