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要約 目的:単焦点眼内レンズを用いたマイルドモノビジョン法の満足度に影響する因子を後ろ向きに検討した結果の報告。対象と方法:術後6か月が経過し,術後の満足度調査が可能であった102例(男性30例,女性72例。平均年齢72±7歳)に対し,術後の満足度を従属変数とし,重回帰分析(stepwise法)を行った。結果:満足度は優位眼の眼軸長(標準偏回帰係数β=-0.27),術後両眼開放近見log MAR(β=-0.23),術後非矯正下近見立体視(β=-0.19)により,有意に回帰された(決定係数R2=0.15,p<0.05)。結論:満足度には優位眼の眼軸長,術後両眼開放近方視力,術後非矯正下近見立体視が関与していた。
Abstract. Purpose:To report factors related to mild monovision after insertion of monofocal intraocular lens(IOL). Cases and Method:This retrospective study was made on 102 cases who received cataract surgery with IOL insertion. The series comprised 30 males and 72 females. The age averaged 72 years. Patient satisfaction was evaluated by questionnaire. Multiple regression analysis, or stepwide method, was used to assess three factors that might affect the satisfaction. Results:Patient satisfaction was related to axial length in the dominant eye, uncorrected near binocular visual acuity and near stereopsis in the descending order. Conclusion:Patient satisfaction increased with not too long axial length, good near binocular visual acuity, and good near stereopsis.

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