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要約 目的:白内障手術で,単焦点眼内レンズと多焦点眼内レンズを組み合わせたmonovisionの変法をhybrid monovisionと定義し,手術から1年後の視機能を検討する。対象と方法:両眼の白内障手術で,優位眼に単焦点,非優位眼に回折型多焦点眼内レンズを挿入した30例を対象とした。男性4例,女性26例で,平均年齢は63±12歳である。結果:術後の両眼開放状態での遠方裸眼視力は平均1.38,近方視力は平均0.95であった。近見眼位は術前13.5±5.9Δ,術後10.5±5.0Δで,明らかに斜視化した症例はなく,満足度は概して良好であった。結論:両眼の白内障手術で,優位眼に単焦点眼内レンズ,非優位眼に回折型多焦点眼内レンズを挿入することで,良好な裸眼視力が遠方と近方で得られ,斜視化はなく,有効な老視矯正法であると評価される。
Abstract. Background:Hybrid monovision is defined as cataract surgery followed by insertion of monofocal intraocular lens(IOL)in the dominant eye and diffractive multifocal IOL in the fellow eye. Purpose:To report the outcome of hybrid monovision one year after surgery. Cases:This study was made on 30 cases who received hybrid monovision procedure. The series comprised 4 males and 26 females. The age averaged 63±12 years. Results:One year after surgery, unaided visual acuity for 5 m averaged 1.38 and that for near averaged 0.95. Eye position for near averaged 13.5±5.9Δ before and 10.5±5.0Δ after surgery. The majority of patients expressed satisfaction about the outcome. Conclusion:Cataract surgery followed by insertion of monofocal IOL in the dominant eye and multifocal IOL in the fellow eye resulted in good unaided vision for distance and near. This method promises to be effective for correction of presbyopia.

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