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要約 目的:トーリック眼内レンズによる乱視矯正効果の報告。対象と方法:アクリソフ®IQ眼内レンズを挿入し,手術1か月後に1.0以上の矯正視力が得られた92眼を対象とした。術前の角膜乱視は,倒乱視53眼,直乱視31眼,斜乱視8眼である。術前と手術1か月後に波面センサーにより波面収差解析を行い,角膜乱視と術後の眼球乱視を極座標として表示し,乱視矯正効果を評価した。結果:約91%の症例で0.7以上の裸眼視力が得られた。用いた眼内レンズの円柱度数により分けた3群すべてに倒乱視化の傾向があった。結論:トーリック眼内レンズで乱視が矯正され,術後の裸眼視力が向上した。倒乱視が残存する傾向があり,適応の決定と眼内レンズのスタイルの選択にノモグラムが必要である。
Abstract. Purpose:To evaluate the astigmatic changes after toric intraocular lens(IOL) implantation. Methods:This retrospective studies comprised 92 eyes that had phacoemulsification and AcrySof®IQ toric IOL implantation and that achieved 20/20 or better corrected distance visual acuities one month postoperatively. Types of preoperative corneal astigmatism were classified into against-the-rule(ATR)in 53 eyes, with-the-rule(WTR)in 31 eyes, and oblique in 8 eyes. Pre-and postoperative corneal astigmatism and postoperative ocular astigmatism were measured with a wavefront sensor, and investigated on polar coordinates by using vector analysis. Results:The postoperative uncorrected distance visual acuity was better than 20/30(=0.7)in 91% of cases. When the cases were divided into 3 groups according to the models of implanted toric IOLs, the postoperative refractive(ocular)cylinders tended to shift toward ATR astigmatism in all groups. Conclusion:The toric IOL restored distance visual function in eyes with cataract and significant corneal astigmatism, although there was a trend toward ATR astigmatism. Further analysis is required to determine more precise nomograms to select the model of toric IOL.

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