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要約 目的:クリのイガが角膜に刺入したのちのMalassezia restrictaによる眼内炎の症例の報告。症例:60歳女性が前房蓄膿で紹介され受診した。3か月前にクリ拾いをしていてクリのイガが左眼に当たった。イガは4日後に摘出され治療を受けた。1か月前から眼痛が生じた。所見:矯正視力は右1.5,左1.2で,左眼角膜の4時方向にイガの刺入創と,その後面に白色浸潤があり,前房蓄膿を伴っていた。複数の抗菌薬の点眼と全身投与,ボリコナゾールの経口投与を行った。病変が悪化し,9日後に採取した前房水の遺伝子学的検索でMalassezia restrictaが検出された。通常の抗真菌薬は奏効せず,最終的にアムホテリシンBの点滴で寛解した。結論:角膜の異物刺入後に晩発性に角膜感染が生じ,Malassezia restrictaが原因で,アムホテリシンBが奏効した。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a case of late corneal infection following trauma by a chestnut bur. Case:A 60-year-old woman was referred to us for hypopyon. She had suffered trauma by a chestnut bur in the left eye 3 months before. The bur was removed 4 days later followed by treatment. The left eye became painful since one month before. Findings:Corrected visual acuity was 1.5 right and 1.2 left. The left cornea showed opacity at 4 o'clock position with infiltration behind and hypopyon. The corneal lesion progressed after topical and systemic treatment with multiple antibiotics and peroral voriconazole. Aqueous humor tapped 9 days later showed Malassezia restricta by PCR amplification. Cure was obtained after intravenous amphotericin B. Conclusion:Late corneal infection following trauma by a chestnut bur was due to Malassezia restricta.

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