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要約 目的:栗のイガによる角膜異物を安全に摘出した症例の報告。症例:栗拾い中にイガグリが落下し,右眼に受傷した6歳男児が即日受診した。右眼の角膜に4か所の刺入傷があり,うち2か所にイガが残留していた。房水流出はなかった。全身麻酔下で手術顕微鏡による異物摘出を試みた。角膜に切開を加え,27ゲージの注射針で引っかける方法と鑷子で把持する方法は失敗した。彎曲した8-0バイオソルブ®の角針を角膜に刺入することでイガの線維を確保し,刺入方向に逆らわずに抜去できた。結論:栗のイガによる角膜異物を,彎曲した角針により摘出できた。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a case that received removal of chestnut burs stuck in the cornea. Case:A 6-year-old boy presented with corneal foreign body due to chestnut burs falling from a tree. The right cornea showed four wounds,in two of which chestnut burs were retained. There was no leakage of aqueous humor. Removal of the foreign body was attempted by surgical microscope under general anesthesia. The burs could not be removed either with 27 gauge needle or grasping by forceps. The burs were removed with minimum injury to the cornea using a hooked 8-0 Biosorb®needle intended for corneal suture. Conclusion:Chestnut burs stuck in the cornea were safely removed using a hooked needle intended for corneal suture.

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