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要約 目的:網膜下増殖組織を伴った若年性の増殖性硝子体網膜症(PVR)に対し,強膜内陥術を施行し,網膜復位が得られた2症例の報告。
症例:症例1は18歳の男性。右眼に黄斑剝離を伴う網膜剝離を認めた。原因裂孔は不明であったが,下方150°に及ぶ網膜下増殖索を伴った網膜剝離を認め,PVR新分類grade CP4-9 type 3であった。症例2は25歳の男性。左眼に網膜全剝離を認めた。5時方向に原因裂孔を認め,全象限に及ぶ網膜下増殖索を伴っており,PVR新分類grade CP1-12 type 3であった。2症例とも後部硝子体剝離を認めなかったため強膜内陥術を施行した。網膜下増殖索は残存しているが,バックルによる隆起で裂孔が閉鎖していることを確認し,手術終了とした。症例1では術後6か月後に,症例2では術後1か月後には網膜下液は消失し,網膜復位が得られている。
Abstract Purpose:To report 2 cases of young patients who underwent a scleral buckling procedure(SBP)for proliferative vitreoretinopathy(PVR)with subretinal proliferation.
Cases:Both cases were diagnosed with rhegmatogenous retinal detachment(RRD)with subretinal proliferation and non-posterior vitreous detachment(PVD). Both patients underwent an SBP. Case 1 was an 18-year-old man. His right eye was classified as grade#CP4-9, type#3 PVR. The other case was a 25-year-old man. His left eye was classified as grade#CP1-12, type#3 PVR. In both cases, although the original retinal tear was closed, a subretinal fibrotic band and subretinal fluid remained. In both cases, the retina was attached after a single surgery:at 6 months post-surgery in case 1 and at 1 month post-surgery in case 2.
Conclusion:We propose that non-PVD RRD with subretinal proliferation should be treated with SBP.

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