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要約 目的:網膜静脈分枝閉塞症に対する血管外膜鞘切開術施行後の病変静脈における長期的な血流量変化について定量的に検討し報告する。対象と方法:網膜分枝静脈閉塞に伴う黄斑浮腫の症例に対し血管外膜鞘切開術を施行し,術中に病変静脈の拡張所見が得られ,術後1年以上経過観察可能であった23症例を対象とした。血流量の変動は,LSFG-NAVI®を用いて相対的血流量(RFV)を測定し,血流量の評価には,病変静脈RFV/非病変静脈RFVの比を用いた。結果:全症例中,病変静脈RFV/非病変静脈RFVの比は,術後12か月が経過しても,17症例(74%)で上昇を認めた。結論:Sheathotomyの術後血流量増加の効果は,比較的長期間持続する可能性がある。
Abstract. Purpose:To report changes in retinal blood flow following sheathotomy for branch retinal vein occlusion. Method:This study was made on 23 eyes that received sheathotomy for branch retinal vein occlusion in the past 42 months. The series comprised 8 males and 15 females. The age averaged 66 years. Sheathotomy was performed after an average of 3.2 months of presumed onset. Blood flow in the affected vein proximal to the site of occlusion was measured using a laser speckle flowgraphy expressed as relative flow volume. Values in unaffected vein in the nasal sector served as control. Cases were followed up for 12 months or longer. Results:Blood flow in the affected vein increased significantly in 17 of 23 eyes(74%)12 months after sheathotomy. Conclusion:Blood flow in affected vein increased in 74% of eyes 12 months after sheathotomy for branch retinal vein occlusion.
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