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要約 目的:術後再発をきたした虹彩囊腫に対し,虹彩全幅切除を施行した症例の報告。
症例:14歳,男性。初診時左眼視力0.4p(1.5×cyl−4.50D 90°),左眼虹彩囊腫は角膜内皮に接触しており,高度の乱視を伴っていた。局所麻酔下で虹彩囊腫切除術を施行した。術後2日目に左眼圧47mmHgと高眼圧をきたした。術後2か月で虹彩囊腫の再発を認め,再度虹彩囊腫切除術を施行した。術後3日目には左眼圧31mmHgと高値を認めた。術後約2か月で虹彩囊腫の再々発がみられた。切除だけでは再発が懸念されたため,全身麻酔下で病変部虹彩の全幅切除を施行した。再々手術後2年が経過しているが,再発はない。
Abstract Purpose:To report a case of iris cyst that showed multiple recurrences after surgical resection.
Case:A 14-year-old male presented with impaired vision in the left eye.
Findings and Clinical Course:Visual acuity in the affected eye was 1.5 when corrected for severe astigmatism. An iris cyst was present and was attached to the corneal endothelium. The cyst was surgically resected. On day 2 after surgery, the intraocular pressure(IOP)was elevated to 47 mmHg. Iris cyst recurred 2 months later and was treated again by surgical resection. IOP rose to 31 mmHg 3 days later. Iris cyst recurred 2 months later and was treated by sector iridectomy under general anesthesia. There has been no recurrence during 2 years until present.
Conclusion:This case illustrates that surgical resection of iris cyst may be followed by recurrence with elevated IOP.
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