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要約 目的:薬物の硝子体内注射の合併症の頻度とその内容の報告。対象と方法:過去5年7か月間に硝子体注射を行った227例371眼を検索した。疾患の内容は,加齢黄斑変性122眼,網膜静脈分枝閉塞症87眼,糖尿病網膜症74眼,網膜中心静脈閉塞症42眼などである。注射をした薬物は,トリアムシノロンアセトニド242眼,ペガプタニブ51眼,ラニビズマブ78眼である。結果:眼圧上昇は359眼中51眼(14%),白内障の進行が185眼中35眼(19%),硝子体出血が371眼中1眼(0.3%)にあった。水晶体損傷,網膜裂孔または剥離,眼内炎はなかった。眼圧上昇または白内障の進行は,1眼を除きトリアムシノロンアセトニドの投与眼であった。結論:硝子体内薬物注射の合併症として,眼圧上昇,白内障の進行を認めたが,1眼を除きトリアムシノロンアセトニド投与眼であった。硝子体注射は比較的安全な治療手段である。
Abstract. Purpose:To report complications following intravitreal injection of medications. Cases and Method:This retrospective study was made on 371 eyes of 227 cases who received intravitreal injection during a 55-month period. They were treated for age-related macular degeneration 122 eyes,branch retinal vein occlusion 87 eyes,diabetic retinopathy 74 eyes and central retinal vein occlusion 42 eyes among others. Triamcinolone was injected in 242 eyes,pegaptanib 51 eyes and ranibizumab in 78 eyes. Results:Intraocular pressure(IOP)rose over 24 mmHg in 51 out of 359 eyes(14%),cataract progressed in 35 out of 185 eyes(19%),and vitreous hemorrhage occurred in one out of 371 eyes(0.3%). There was no damage to the lens,retinal tear or detachment,or endophthalmitis throughout the series. Elevation of IOP or progression of cataract occurred after injectin of triamcinolone in all the cases but one. Conclusion:IOP elevation and progression of cataract were occurred in eyes received triamcinolone acetonide. Intravitreal injection is a relatively safe therapeutic modality.

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