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要約 目的:網膜有髄神経線維に弱視を伴った3症例の報告。症例:症例は3歳女児,6歳男児,7歳女児であり,矯正視力は健眼ではそれぞれ1.0,1.2,1.2で,患眼では0.01,0.15,0.2であった。屈折は健眼ではそれぞれ-1.0D,+1.0D,-0.5Dで,患眼では-6.0D,-6.0D,-6.25Dであった。網膜有髄神経線維はいずれも乳頭から連続し,最初の2例では上方の血管アーケードに沿い,第3例では黄斑の上下を囲んでいた。いずれも黄斑には及んでいなかった。経過:眼鏡による屈折矯正と遮閉訓練で,症例1では2年後に矯正視力が0.5に,症例2では13か月で0.2に,症例3では10か月で0.3になった。結論:片眼の網膜有髄神経線維に近視と弱視がある若年の3症例に,屈折矯正と弱視訓練で視力の改善が得られた。
Abstract. Purpose:To report 3 cases who had unilateral myelinated retinal nerve fibers,myopia,and amblyopia. Cases:The present series comprised a girl aged 3 years,a boy aged 6 years,and a girl aged 7 years. Visual acuity in the healthy eye was 1.0,1.2 and 1.2 without correction. Corrected visual acuity was 0.01,0.15 and 0.2 in the affected eye. Refraction in the healthy eye was -1.0D,+1.0D and -0.5D and was -6.0D,-6.0D and -6.25D respectively in the affected eye. Myelinated retinal nerve fibers were located in the superior vascular arcade in 2 cases and along the superior and inferior vascular arcades in the other. There was no case with involvement of the macula. Clinical Outcome:All the 3 cases received orthoptic treatment after correction of myopia by spectacles. Visual acuity improved to 0.5 after 2 years in Case 1,to 0.2 after 13 months in Case 2,and to 0.3 after 10 months in Case 3. Conclusion:These cases illustrate that visual acuity may improve in eyes with amblyopia,myopia and unilateral myelinated retinal nerve fibers by proper treatment.

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