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要約 目的:先天白内障術後に硝子体嵌頓が生じ,瞳孔ブロックに続発した緑内障2症例の報告。症例と経過:2例とも女児で,1例は生後6か月に角膜輪部経由で水晶体切除と前部硝子体切除を左眼に受け,眼圧が上昇した。他の1例は,生後3か月に角膜輪部経由で水晶体切除を両眼に受け,その1か月後に後囊切開と前部硝子体切除を受けた後に左眼の眼圧が上昇した。2例とも浅前房があり,硝子体嵌頓による瞳孔ブロック緑内障と診断した。点眼では眼圧がコントロールできず,前部硝子体切除により前房が深くなり,眼圧が下降した。結論:先天白内障に対する水晶体切除後に硝子体が瞳孔に嵌頓し,緑内障が続発することがある。
Abstract. Purpose:To report two cases who developed pupillary block glaucoma following lensectomy for congenital cataract. Case and Findings:Both were female babies. One received,at the age of 6 months,lensectomy and anterior vitrectomy for congenital cataract in the left eye followed by elevated intraocular pressure(IOP). The other case received,at the age of 3 months,lensectomy in both eyes followed by posterior capsulotomy and anterior vitrectomy one month later. The left eye developed elevated IOP. Both affected eyes showed shallow anterior chamber and were diagnosed with pupillary block glaucoma. Topical medication failed to control the IOP. Anterior vitrectomy was followed by deep anterior chamber and decreased IOP in both cases. Conclusion:These cases illustrate that pupillary block may develop after surgery for congenital cataract due to vitreous herniation.

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