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要約 目的:Leber先天盲に円錐角膜が併発し,急性角膜水腫が生じた症例の報告。症例:16歳男性が左眼に突発した視力低下で受診した。生後4か月で眼振があり,網膜電図が消失型で,Leber先天盲と診断された。12歳で両眼に円錐角膜が発症した。15歳での矯正視力は右0.03,左0.04であり,両眼とも視覚誘発電位は反応がなかった。所見:左眼視力は手動弁で,角膜に急性水腫があった。浮腫は3週間後に軽快したが,Descemet膜の破裂に伴う角膜の瘢痕性混濁が残った。8か月後の現在,角膜移植の待機中である。結論:Leber先天盲に稀ではあるが円錐角膜が併発することがある。今回の症例は急性水腫にすみやかに進展した。LCA遺伝子による関与の可能性がある。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a case of Leber's congenital amaurosis(LCA)who developed keratoconus and acute hydrokeratoconus. Case:A 16-year-old male presented with sudden visual loss in his left eye. He had nystagmus at the age of 4 months. Electroretinogram(ERG)was nonrecordable,leading to the diagnosis of LCA. Keratoconus developed in both eyes at the age of 12 years. His corrected visual acuity was 0.03 right and 0.04 left at the age of 15 years. Pattern visually evoked cortical potential(VECP)was nonrecordable for both eyes. Findings:Left visual acuity was hand motion. Acute hydrokeratoconus was present in the left cornea. Corneal edema subsided 3 weeks later leaving scarring and opacity. Eight months after the episode,keratoplasty is under consideration as treatment. Conclusion:LCA may be associated with keratoconus. This case is unusual because of rapidity of acute hydrokeratoconus.

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