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要約 目的:視力障害を契機として下垂体腫瘍が発見されたうつ病男児の報告。症例:17歳男児が視力低下で受診した。7か月前から登校拒否になり,うつと診断された。所見:矯正視力は右0.5,左1.5で,前眼部,中間透光体,眼底,眼球運動に異常はなく,対座法とAmslerチャートで視野異常はなかった。視力低下の原因として,うつによる集中力の低下を疑った。初診から3週間後に右眼視力が零になり,左眼に耳側半盲が生じた。CT検査でトルコ鞍部に最大径26mmの腫瘍が発見され,血液検査などから胚細胞腫と診断した。さらに問診で,多飲,多尿,口渇感,全身倦怠感などが5年前からあったことが判明し,尿崩症,副腎機能低下,甲状腺機能低下が推定された。化学療法と放射線照射で腫瘍は縮小した。視力は4か月後に右1.0,左1.5に改善し,うつ状態も消失した。結論:うつ病によると推測される視力障害が,頭蓋内腫瘍によって起こることがある。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a case with impaired visual acuity which appeared initially due to depression and which finally proved to be due to pituitary tumor. Case:A 17-year-old high-school student presented with impaired visual acuity. He had refused to attend school since 7 months before and had been diagnosed with depression. Findings:His corrected visual acuity was 0.5 right and 1.5 left. Routine ophthalmological examinations showed normal findings. Visual acuity in the right eye decreased to no light perception 3 weeks later. The left eye showed temporal hemianopia. Computed tomography showed a tumor with 26 mm as maximal diameter in the sella turcica. Systemic studies were suggestive of germ cell tumor. Upon further enquiry,he had had polyuria,polydipsia and generalized fatigue since 5 years before. These symptoms as well as depression disappeared after chemotherapy and radiation. The pituitary tumor decreased in size. Visual acuity improved to 1.0 right and 1.5 left after 4 months of treatment. Conclusion:This case illustrates that depression with impaired visual acuity may be manifestations of intracranial tumor.

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