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要約 目的:内視鏡下でのヌンチャク型シリコーンチューブ(NST)挿入術の手術成績の報告。対象と方法:総涙小管閉塞があり,流涙症がある患者36例39側(男性7例,女性29例,平均年齢71歳)を対象とした。涙道内視鏡を使用して,閉塞部の穿破とNSTの挿入を行い,約2か月後に抜去した。結果:29側(手術完了率:74%)にNSTを挿入でき,10側は穿破できず手術を中止した。29側全例が通水可能になり,自覚症状が改善した(成功率100%)。涙道内視鏡所見から,閉塞所見は膜状閉塞,管状閉塞,涙囊虚脱に大別できた。結論:涙道内視鏡所見を理解することにより,NST挿入術の完了率,すなわち成功率が向上すると考えられた。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the rate of success and outcome of endoscope-guided insertion of nunchaku-type silicone tube for obstructed lacrimal passage. Cases and Method:This retrospective study was made on 39 eyes of 36 patients who underwent surgery during a 13-month period. The series comprised 7 male and 29 female eyes. A lacrimal endoscope was used to facilitate perforation and insertion of silicone tube. When successfully inserted,the silicone tube was removed 2 months later. Result:The silicone tube could be inserted in 29 eyes(74%). Surgery had to be discontinued in the other 10 eyes(26%). Passage of tear fluid remained permanent in all the 29 eyes. By endoscopic observation,the obstructed lacrimal passage was classified into 3 groups:membranous type,tubular type,and collapsed lacrimal sac. Conclusion:Adjunct use of lacrimal endoscope facilitates insertion of nunchaku-type silicone tube.

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