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要約 目的:網膜中心静脈閉塞症に対する放射状視神経切開術の長期成績の報告。症例と方法:放射状視神経切開術を行った網膜中心静脈閉塞症30例30眼を対象とした。男性18例,女性12例で,年齢は48~83歳(平均67歳)であった。術後12~49か月(平均21か月)の経過を追った。結果:相乗平均視力は,術前0.05,最終診察時0.09で,有意に改善した(p=0.01)。各症例での最終視力は,改善14眼(47%),不変12眼(40%),悪化4眼(13%)であり,術後に耳側視野狭窄が7眼(23%),血管新生緑内障が4眼(13%)に起こった。結論:網膜中心静脈閉塞症に対する放射状視神経切開術は,1年以上の観察でおおむね良好な経過を示した。術後合併症として,視野狭窄と血管新生緑内障に留意する必要がある。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the long-term outcome of radial optic neurotomy for central retinal vein occlusion(CRVO). Cases and Method:This retrospective study was made on 30 eyes of 30 patients who received radial optic neurotomy for CRVO. The series comprised 18 males and 12 females. The age ranged from 48 to 83 years, average 67 years. Cases were followed up for 12 to 49 months, average 21 months. Results:Mean visual acuity improved significantly from 0.05 before treatment to 0.09 at the final examination(p=0.01). Final visual acuity improved in 14 eyes(47%), remained unchanged in 12(40%), and deteriorated in 4(13%)when compared with the pretreatment level. Postoperatively, temporal visual field contraction developed in 7 eyes(23%)and neovascular glaucoma in 4 eyes(13%). Conclusion:Radial optic neurotomy was generally effective for CRVO in the present series. Caution is necessary for visual field defect and neovascular glaucoma after treatment.

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