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64歳女性の右眼に充血と疼痛が生じ,脳神経外科でBarrow C型の特発性頸動脈海綿静脈洞瘻(CCF)と診断された。上眼静脈が動脈血の唯一の流出路であった。術前の矯正視力は右0.4,左1.2であり,眼圧は右30mmHg,左20mmHgで,両眼に単純糖尿病網膜症があった。経カテーテル動脈塞栓術でシャントは消失した。1か月後に右眼圧が上昇し,網膜中心静脈閉塞症が併発し,シャントの再発と上眼静脈への動脈血流入が発見された。再度の動脈塞栓術,さらに5か月後にガンマナイフ治療を行った。その1か月後に右眼圧が急上昇した。虹彩と隅角にルベオーシスはなかった。前房出血が生じ,線維柱帯切除術などを行ったが,低眼圧となり最終視力が手動弁になった。CCFによる眼静脈圧の上昇と,眼窩内静脈の血栓化が眼病変悪化の原因であると推定される。
A 64-year-old woman developed hyperemia and pain in her right eye. She was diagnosed with right Barrow type C spontaneous carotid cavernous sinus fistula(CCF)with superior ophthalmic vein as the single route of outflow. Her corrected visual acuity was 0.4 right and 1.2 left. The intraocular pressure(IOP)was 30 mmHg right and 20 mmHg left. Both eyes had simple diabetic retinopathy. Arteriovenous shunt disappeared following transcatheter arterial embolization(TAE). Central venous vein occlusion in her right eye led to detection of recurrence of arteriovenous shunt one month later. She received another TAE. Stereotactic radiosurgery 5 months later was followed by hyphema and acute rise of IOP in the right eye. Rubeosis iridis was consistently absent. The affected eye finally became phthisic. Congestion of superior ophthalmic vein and thrombosis in the orbit appeared to have induced the unfavorable course in this patient.

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