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要約 目的:糖尿病黄斑浮腫に対する硝子体手術の成績の報告。対象と方法:9年7か月間に糖尿病黄斑浮腫に対して硝子体手術を行った93例123眼を対象とした。男性72眼,女性51眼で,年齢は39~78歳(平均61歳)である。硝子体手術は20ゲージ3ポートシステムで行い,後部硝子体膜を剝離し,黄斑周囲の網膜前透明膜を除去した。手術の補助薬剤は使用しなかった。術後の経過は6か月以上(平均31.8か月間)観察した。結果:3眼を除き黄斑浮腫は徐々に消退した。視力は改善54眼(44%),不変56眼(46%),悪化13眼(10%)で,最終観察時に31眼が0.6以上であった。結論:糖尿病黄斑浮腫に対する硝子体手術は,多数例で黄斑浮腫と視力を改善し,視力を長期間維持できた。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the outcome of vitreous surgery for diabetic macular edema. Cases and Method:This retrospective study was made on 123 eyes of 93 cases who underwent vitreous surgery for diabetic macular edema during 9 years 7 months. The series comprised 72 male and 51 female eyes. The age ranged from 39 to 78 years, average 61 years. Vitreous surgery was performed with a 3-port system using 20-gauge to create posterior vitreous detachment and to remove posterior hyaloid membrane in the macular area. No adjunct medication was used during surgery. Cases were followed up for 6 months or longer, average 31.8 months. Results:Macular edema gradually regressed in all the eyes except 3. Visual acuity improved in 54 eyes(44%), remained unchanged in 56(46%), and deteriorated in 13(10%). Thirty-one had visual acuity of 0.6 or more at the latest examination. Conclusion:Vitreous surgery for diabetic macular edema was effective in improving macular edema and in long-term preservation of visual acuity in the majority of cases.

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