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要約 目的:家庭内暴力により白内障と網膜剝離が生じ,眼科的ならびに社会的に救済できた症例の報告。症例:33歳女性が両眼の視力低下で受診した。10年以上前から父と義母から家庭内で暴力を受けていたという。8年前に右下肢骨折,6年前に左下肢骨折,4年前に肝臓の圧迫破裂,2週間前に熱湯による顔面と上半身の熱傷があった。矯正視力は右光覚弁,左手動弁であり,両眼に外傷性白内障と網膜剝離があった。経過:左眼に対し白内障手術,眼内レンズ挿入術,シリコーンオイル併用の硝子体手術を行った。7週後のシリコーンオイル抜去後に網膜剝離が再発した。網膜冷凍凝固術で網膜は復位し,0.3の最終視力を得た。退院後は実家に帰らせず福祉施設に入居させた。結論:本症例の救済には,医学的治療に加え,患者の親戚,医療スタッフ,病院間の連携,警察の協力など法律を含めた総合的な対策が奏効した。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a successfully salvaged case of cataract and retinal detachment by domestic violence. Case and Findings:A 33-year-old female presented with impaired vision in both eyes. She had reported been victim of domestic violence by her father and mother-in-law for over 10 years. Her corrected visual acuity was light perception right and hand motion left. Both eyes showed traumatic cataract and retinal detachment. Clinical Course:The left eye was treated by cataract surgery, implantation of intraocular lens, and vitrectomy with silicone tamponade. Retinal detachment recurred after removal of silicone oil 7 weeks later. The retina became reattached following cryosurgery resulting in final visual acuity of 0.3. After discharge from the hospital, she started living in a welfare institution unknown to her parents. Conclusion:This victim of domestic violence could be salvaged not only by medical treatments but also by relatives, medical staff, interhospital co-operation, and advice from the police.

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