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要約 目的:黄斑出血が生じた脈絡膜骨腫2例の報告。症例と所見:第1例は38歳女性,第2例は35歳男性である。脈絡膜骨腫は片眼のみにあり,大きさはそれぞれ4×7乳頭径と3×3乳頭径であった。経過中に黄斑出血が生じ,矯正視力はそれぞれ1.0から0.3,1.2から0.5に低下した。黄斑出血が脈絡膜新生血管から生じた第1例では,新生血管が中心窩外にあったため,色素レーザーによる光凝固を行い,視力は0.7に向上した。結論:脈絡膜骨腫では黄斑出血が併発して視力低下が生じることがあり,注意が必要である。
Abstract. Purpose:To report two cases of choroidal osteoma with macular hemorrhage. Cases and Findings:Choroidal osteoma was detected in a 38-year-old female and a 35-year-old male. Both cases were unilaterally affected. Size of osteoma was 4×7 disc diameters(DD)and 3×3 DD respectively. Both cases developed macular hemorrhage during follow-up. Corrected visual acuity decreased from 1.0 to 0.3 and from 1.2 to 0.5 respectively. Choroidal neovascularization was identified as the source of macular hemorrhage in the first case. Laser photocoagulation resulted in absorption of hemorrhage with visual acuity improved to 0.7. Conclusion:Macular hemorrhage is one of the major causes of visual impairment in choroidal osteoma.

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