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要約 目的:春季カタル重症例に対するトリアムシノロンアセトニド(TA)の眼瞼への皮下注射の効果の報告。対象と方法:本研究は62か月の間2施設で行われた。春季カタル重症例20例28眼にTAの皮下注射を1回だけ行った。年齢は7~34歳(平均15歳)である。対象として春季カタル重症例8例8眼にプレドニゾロンを経口的に継続投与した。年齢は8~28歳(平均15歳)である。症例はすべて男性であった。臨床診断基準による臨床スコアで効果を判定した。結果:両群とも投与から2週後に病状が改善した。皮下注射群では投与開始から24週後の時点で,内服群に比べ有意な再発抑制効果があった(p<0.01)。眼圧上昇は皆無であった。結論:TAの眼瞼への皮下注射は,速やかな消炎効果と再発抑制効果があり,春季カタル重症例での症状を改善させる。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the outcome of subcutaneous injection of triamcinolone acetonide(TA)into the eyelid of patients with severe vernal keratoconjunctivitis(VKC). Cases and Method:This study was made in 2 institutions during a 62-month period. TA was injected into the eyelid of 28 eyes of 20 male patients in a single session. Their age ranged from 7 to 34 years, average 15 years. Another group of 8 eyes of 8 male patients received peroral prednisolone. Their age ranged from 8 to 28 years, average 15 years. Severity of VKC was expressed as score after the clinical diagnosis criteria. Results:Clinical manifestations improved in both groups 2 weeks after treatment. The group treated by injection showed significantly better improvement than perorally treated group after 24 weeks(p<0.01). Elevation of intraocular pressure was absent throughout. Conclusion:A single injection of TA into the eyelid induces prompt and lasting effect in patients with severe VKC.

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