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要約 目的:凍結保存羊膜移植を併用して線維柱帯切除術を行った難治性緑内障の報告。症例と方法:難治性緑内障3例4眼を対象とした。内訳は原発開放隅角緑内障がある79歳男性(両眼),落屑緑内障がある87歳男性,全層角膜移植術を受けた53歳男性で,いずれも複数回の内眼手術の既往があり,結膜下の瘢痕化が強く眼圧コントロールが困難であった。これら4眼に対し輪部を基底とする結膜切開を行い,結膜下線維性組織の除去後に強角膜片と線維柱帯を切除した。強膜弁を縫合し,羊膜を2重反転して輪部強膜に縫着し結膜で被覆した。術中にマイトマイシンCを塗布した。結果:4眼ともびまん性の濾過胞が形成され,眼圧降下薬なしで眼圧がコントロールできた。術中・術後に重篤な合併症はなかった。結論:今回の術式は難治性緑内障に対する有効な方法である。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the outcome of trabeculectomy with an adjunct use of frozen amniotic membrane for refractory glaucoma. Cases and Method:This review was made on 4 eyes of 3 cases. The series comprised both eyes of 79-year-old male with primary open-angle glaucoma,an 87-year-old male with capsular glaucoma,and a 53-year-old male after penetrating keratoplasty. All the 4 eyes had received multiple intraocular surgery,had conjunctival scarring,and uncontrollable intraocular pressure(IOP). After removal of subconjunctival fibrotic tissue,trabeculectomy was performed with limbal-based conjunctival flap. Double-folded amniotic membrane was sutured to the corneoscleral limbus. Results:All the 4 eyes showed diffuse filtering bleb. OIP was well-controlled without medication. There was no intra-or postoperative complication. Conclusion:The present surgical modality is safe and effective for refractory glaucoma.

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