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要約 49歳女性が右眼の飛蚊症を主訴として受診した。7か月前に慢性糸球体腎炎による腎不全に対して母親から生体腎移植を受け,複数の免疫抑制剤が投与されていた。視力は良好であったが,右眼眼底に滲出斑と小出血斑が散在していた。房水からサイトメガロウイルス―DNAが検出され,サイトメガロウイルス網膜炎と診断した。腎移植後にガンシクロビル(GCV)の全身投与を受けた際に肝機能障害を起こしていたので,GCVの硝子体内注入を4回行い,使用中の免疫抑制剤を減量した。さらに,右眼の病巣周囲に光凝固を施した。以後眼底病変は軽快し,2年後の現在まで再発はない。
Abstract. A 49-year-old woman presented with seeing flies in her right eye. She had received kidney transplantation from her mother 7 months before because of renal failure secondary to chronic glomerulonephritis. She had been receiving multiple immunosuppressive agents. Her visual acuity was 20/20 in either eye. Her right fundus showed exudates and blot hemorrhages. She was diagnosed with cytomegalovirus(CMV)retinitis after CMV-DNA was detected in the aqueous humor. Due to past history of liver dysfunction following systemic ganciclovir,she was treated by four sessions of intravitreal ganciclovir and by reduction of immunosuppressants. Fundus lesions improved after additional treatment with photocoagulation. She has been doing well during two years until present.

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