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要約 目的:糖尿病網膜症に併発した血管新生緑内障に対して必要な光凝固数の推定。対象:虹彩または隅角に新生血管がある糖尿病網膜症で,過去6年間に光凝固を行い,6か月以上の経過観察ができた29例40眼を検索した。男性22例32眼,女性7例8眼で,年齢は33~74(平均58)歳であった。結果:行われた光凝固数は,1眼あたり613から4,655発で,中間値は1,725発であった。最終視力は,光凝固数が中間値の1,725発以上の群がそれ以下の群よりも有意によかった(p<0.05)。結論:糖尿病網膜症に続発する血管新生緑内障に対しては,1,725発以上の光凝固を追加して治療するべきである。
Abstract. Purpose:To identify the number of laser spots necessary for prevention of neovascular glaucoma in diabetic retinopathy. Cases:We reviewed 40 eyes of 29 diabetic patients that received photocoagulation for iris or angle neovascularization during the past 6 years. They were followed up for 6months or longer. The series comprised 32 eyes of 22 males and 8 eyes of 7 females. Their age ranged from 33 to 74 years,average 58 years. Results:The number of photocoagulation ranged from 613 to 4,655 spots per eye,with 1,725 spots as the median. The visual outcome was significantly better in eyes receiving more than 1,725 spots than those receiving less(p<0.05). Conclusion:In treating or preventing neovascular glaucoma in diabetic retinopathy,more than 1,725 laser spots are to be applied to obtain better visual outcome.

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