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要約 2001年までの3年間に当病院の新生児集中治療室に入院し,眼科的管理を受けた119例について,未熟児網膜症の発症因子と重症化因子を検索した。未熟児網膜症の発症は33例(27.7%)にあり,光凝固などの治療を要した重症例は14例(11.8%)であった。網膜症の発症に有意に関連する因子は次の10項目であった。出生体重,在胎週数,人工換気日数,無呼吸発作,輸血,明らかな感染症,症候性動脈管開存,未熟児貧血,カテコラミン投与,慢性肺疾患(p<0.01)。網膜症重症化に有意に関連する因子は次の5項目であった。出生体重,在胎週数,輸血,明らかな感染症,慢性肺疾患(p<0.01)。
Abstract. We reviewed a consecutive series of 119 infants who were admitted to our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit(NICU)during 3 years through 2001. We tried to identify risk factors for the occurrence and progression of retinopathy of prematurity(ROP). ROP developed in 33 infants(27.7%),and 14 infants(11.8%)developed severe stage of ROP requiring laser treatment. Following ten items were identified as significant risk factors for ROP(p<0.01):low birthweight,shorter gestational age,longer duration of artificial ventilation,episodes of apnea,blood transfusion manifest infection,patent ductus arteriosus,anemia,administration of dopamine,and chronic lung disease. Following five items were identified as significant risk factors for severe ROP(p<0.01):low birthweight,shorter gestational age,blood transfusion,manifest infection,and chronic lung disease.
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