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過去19か月間に,stage 5未熟児網膜症8例12眼に対して硝子体手術を行った。手術時の月齢は5~16か月,平均9か月であった。術前所見として,角膜混濁が4眼,完全な水晶体後部線維増殖が9眼,硝子体出血が1眼にあった。後極の部分復位を含めて9眼(75%)に網膜復位が得られた。在胎週数が短く,出生体重が軽く,網膜剝離の形がclosed funnelであると,手術の難度が高くなった。硝子体手術により網膜復位率が高くなったために,網膜剝離を伴う未熟児網膜症を失明から救える機会が多くなったと結論される。
We performed vitreous surgery for stage 5 retinopathy of prematurity(ROP)in 12 eyes of 8 infants during the past 19months. The infants were operated at the age of 5 to 16months,average 9months. Corneal opacity was present in 4 eyes,massive retrolental fibroplasia in 9 eyes,and vitreous hemorrhage in 1 eye. The retinal became reattached in 9 eyes(75%). Following features were identified as risk factors for surgery:shorter gestational age,lower birthweight,and closed funnel-shaped retinal detachment. The findings show that there is now a greater chance to prevent blindness in advanced ROP cases by vitreous surgery.

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