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当院では大腿骨転子部骨折に対して2006年2月から全例にproximal femoral nail antirotation(PFNA,SYNTHES社)を使用している.207例中カットアウトや二次的骨折は認めなかったが,稀な合併症である骨頭穿孔を2例経験した.いずれも術後1カ月以降での発生であり,歩行訓練などの負荷によりブレードの中心性転位が生じ,骨頭穿孔に至ったと考えられた.合併症の発生および進行の予防のため,ブレード挿入位置や長さには十分注意し,骨癒合までの慎重な画像評価が望ましい.
Proximal Femoral Nail Antirotation (PFNA;SYNTHES, Inc.) has been used at our hospital to treat all cases of femoral trochanteric fracture since February 2006. Although no cut-out or secondary fractures were observed in 207 cases, a rare complication, perforation of the femoral head, developed in 2 cases. In both cases it occurred one month postoperativly, and central transposition of the blade had occurred in response to a load such as walk training, and that appeared to lead to perforation of the femoral head. To prevent the development and progression of complications, it is advisable to exercise care in regard to the insertion point and blade length and to conduct careful image evaluations until bone union is achieved.

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