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72歳,女性.大腿骨頚部骨折術後にMRSAの創部感染を生じ,バンコマイシン(VCM)の点滴投与およびVCM混入骨セメントビーズ(以後VCMビーズ)留置術が行われた.VCM投与16日目から皮膚の発赤・搔痒感が出現した.VCMの投与を中止したが,皮膚所見は増悪し,VCMビーズ抜去術を行った.術中の血圧低下に難渋したが,その後,皮膚症状は改善した.VCMビーズによってもred man症候群を起こすことがあり,注意が必要である.
The subject was a 72-year-old female who developed a surgical wound infection caused by MRSA after an operation for a femoral neck fracture. Vancomycin (VCM) was administered by intravenous drip in fusion, and VCM-containing bone cement beads were placed in the wound. Eleven days after the start of treatment with VCM, systemic redness and pruritus were noted, and the intravenous VCM infusion was stopped. However, the cutaneous symptoms worsened, and the VCM beads were removed. The patient's blood pressured dropped during the operation, but the cutaneous symptoms subsequently improved. It should be borne in mind that VCM beads sometimes induce the red man syndrome.

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