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われわれは稀な軸椎椎体破裂骨折を経験したので報告する.症例は80歳の女性で,高所から転落し受傷した.強い頚部痛を訴えていたが,麻痺は認めなかった.X線像,CTにおいて軸椎椎体の破裂骨折を認めた.Benzelらの分類のType 1とType 2の混在する骨折であった.ハローベストとフィラデルフィア装具による保存療法によって治療を行い骨融合した.本症例は過伸展と軸圧力によって生じたと考えられる.
We report our experience with a rare burst fracture of the body of the axis. The patient was an 80-year-old woman who was injured in a fall from a height. She complained of severe neck pain, but she had no neurological deficits. An X-P radiograph and CT scans revealed a burst fracture of the body of the axis, and it was classified as a combination of Type 1 and Type 2 in the Benzel classification. We treated the patient conservatively by external fixation with a halo vest and a Philadelphia collar, and the bone fused. Our experience in this case suggested that the mechanism of the fracture was hyperextension and axial load.

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