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鏡視下足関節固定術は低侵襲でありopen法にはない利点が多く,良好な成績が報告されている.今回,当院における鏡視下足関節固定術の術後成績について検討した.対象は2005年8月から2006年7月までの間,当院において鏡視下足関節固定術を施行し,術後6カ月以上経過した6例6足(男性4足,女性2足)とした.手術時年齢は平均61.7歳,平均調査期間は11.3カ月であった.手術方法は直径2.7mmの関節鏡視下に関節内の軟骨と軟骨下骨を掻爬した後に6.0mmの中空海綿骨裸子3本で固定した.術前の単純X線正面像における距骨傾斜角,術前後のJSSF scale,手術時間,骨癒合までの期間,術後合併症について調査した.JSSF scaleは術前44.2±19.6点から術後81.9±6.7点と著明に改善していた.手術時間は135±21分であった.全例に骨癒合が認められ,骨癒合までの期間は9.6±2.9週であった.術後合併症を認めた症例はなかった.
We reviewed the cases of 6 patients (4 males and 2 females) treated by unilateral arthroscopic ankle arthrodesis. The follow-up periods ranged from 6 to 18 months and averaged 11.3 months. The preoperative diagnosis was primary osteoarthritis in 5 ankles and posttraumatic osteoarthritis in 1 ankle. Anterolateral and anteromedial portals were used for arthroscopic surgery, and the joint cartilage of the tibial plafond and talar dome was debrided completely, and the subchondral bone was abraded. Internal fusion with three diameters of 6.0mm cannulated cancellous screws was then performed at the medial and lateral malleolus with the ankle in the neutral position. Complete bony union of the talocrural joint was achieved in all 6 cases by an average of 9.6 weeks postoperatively. The average JSSF ankle/hindfoot scale improved from an average of 44.2 points before surgery to an average of 81.9 points after surgery.

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